Muhammed Zangina was the Ya Na (paramount chief) of Dagomba in what is now, northeastern Ghana in about the early 18th century. During his reign...

Madam Yoko (circa 1849 – August 1906) was a fascinating and impressive woman who eventually became ruler of the Kpaa-Mende state. Famed for her beautiful...

JAMES TOPP NELSON YANKAH James Topp Nelson Yankah (1889-1964), a pioneer trade-unionist, was an outstanding educational leader between the 1930s and the 1960s. Despite strong...

Alhaji Ahmadu Wurie (August 27,1898-June 13, 1977) was one of Sierra Leone’s foremost educators in the 20th century. An active politician, he was appointed minister...

DR. ERNEST JENNER WRIGHT Dr. Ernest Jenner Wright (1892 – December 29,1955) was one of the most distinguished members of the British Colonial Medical Service,...

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