Gabra Selasse Walda (1844/45-November 4, 1912), who held the post of Tsahafe Teezaz (Chief Imperial Secretary), was a chronicler, an influential courtier, and a church...

      John Augustus Abayomi-Cole (1848 -July 1943) was a talented and versatile Krio (Creole) who, in the course of his long career, made his mark as...

        Kwame Nkrumah (c. September 21, 1909- April 27, 1972) led the Gold Coast to independence in 1957 as the state of Ghana, and thereafter, first...

          A HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION Sierra Leone is a small country, roughly circular in shape, and occupying the southwest coast of West Africa between 6° 55′ and...

            HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION Lesotho is a small, mountainous country located on the Drakensberg escarpment on the eastern edge of the southern African plateau. With a territory...

              A HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION The Republic of South Africa occupies the southern-most area of the African continent, comprising 435,868 square miles. It is about half the...

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              The Encyclopaedia Africana Project. Is an AU Flagship Project with the mission to produce and publish peer reviewed articles devoted mainly to Africa and its people.