- 2 Min Read
Dawit I (reigned 1380-1412) was one of the most powerful medieval emperors of Ethiopia. He was the son of Emperor Newaya Krestos. His reign coincided...
- 2 Min Read
Ras Dasta Damtaw (1892- February 26, 1937) was famous for capturing the prince Lej Iyasu, nominal ruler of Ethiopia, after his disposition in 1916. He...
- 4 Min Read
Joseph Dawson (1834- 18?) was active in helping draw up the constitution of the Fante Confederation in the 1860s, and later acted as an intermediary...
- 3 Min Read
Leon Chefneux (1853 – 1927) was a French trader and adventurer who helped Menelik II [reigned 1889 -1913] in some of his business and diplomatic dealings...
- 4 Min Read
Francis Chapman Grant (1825-1908), a prominent figure in the Fante Confederation of 1868-73, and a member of the Gold Coast Legislative Council, was one of...
- 4 Min Read
Ghartey IV (c. 1820-July 30, 1897), was King (Odefa) of Winneba, the port 35 miles (56 km) west of Accra, from 1872-97. He was also...
- 3 Min Read
Na Gbewa (“Na” meaning paramount chief), or Bawa, the common historical ancestor of the founders of the Mamprusi, Mossi, and Dagomba states of what is...
- 2 Min Read
Andreas Aku (1863-1931), a notable clergyman, theologian, and author, became the first Indigenous head of the Ewe Presbyterian Church in 1922. He was one of...
- 3 Min Read
Clement Anderson Akrofi (July 1, 1901-July 1, 1967) was an educator, theologian, and linguist. He became the foremost authority on the Twi language in his...
- 2 Min Read
Muhammed Zangina was the Ya Na (paramount chief) of Dagomba in what is now, northeastern Ghana in about the early 18th century. During his reign...