Degelhan, also known as Dagalhan or Dalehan, who flourished in the 16th century, was a leading azmach (military commander), during the reign of Emperor...
Dawit I (reigned 1380-1412) was one of the most powerful medieval emperors of Ethiopia. He was the son of Emperor Newaya Krestos. His reign coincided...
- eap_admin
- 4 weeks Ago
- 3 Min Read
Ras Dasta Damtaw (1892- February 26, 1937) was famous for capturing the prince Lej Iyasu, nominal ruler of Ethiopia, after his disposition in 1916....
- eap_admin
- 4 weeks Ago
- 5 Min Read
Joseph Dawson (1834- 18?) was active in helping draw up the constitution of the Fante Confederation in the 1860s, and later acted as an intermediary...
- eap_admin
- 4 weeks Ago
- 5 Min Read
Leon Chefneux (1853 – 1927) was a French trader and adventurer who helped Menelik II (q.v.) [reigned 1889 -1913] in some of his business and...