- 2 Min Read
Ras Haylu Takla Haymanot (1868-1951) was a governor of Gojam and a prominent Ethiopian businessman. He was the son of Negus Takla Haymanot of Gonjam, and was originally called Seyum.
He began his career in 1896 as governor of Mecha, a district south of Lake Tana. After his father’s death in 1901, he received only Gojam to rule, while the remainder of his father’s territories were given to other chiefs. Desiring to recover those territories,Seyum falsely accused these chiefs of plotting against Emperor Menilek II [reigned 1889-1913]. When the truth became known, he was condemned to death but the sentence was commuted to five years imprisonment.
In 1901, he was reinstated and married a relative of Empress Tayatu, the wife of Menilek, who subsequently appointed him Ras, and named him after his famous grandfather in that Gojam dynasty. When the empress lost political power, Hayla divorced his wife and allied himself with Prince Lej Iyasu Mikael, nominal ruler of Ethiopia from 1909-16, to whom he married his daughter. He consequently received his father’s Gonjam territories to govern. He successfully imposed his authority on the province, and constructed several churches. He also built houses in Addis Ababa and engaged extensively in business.
In 1932, he was, however found intriguing with the deposed Prince Lej Iyasu, and was condemned to death, but the sentence was again commuted to one of imprisonment. He nevertheless continued his business operating through agents,and became extremely wealthy.
In 1936, he was released from prison by the Italian Fascist regime, which occupied Ethiopia from 1936-41. He remained in the capital until 1940, when he was sent to pacify Gojam. He surrendered to Emperor Haile Selassie in 1941, and lived in Addis Ababa until his death. Haylu was fascinated by modern technology, but resisted social reforms.