- 4 Min Read
Karimu (18?-1892) was a powerful Soso warrior chief, who waged continuous war with the Limba to defend and extend his chiefdom, using the uncertain relations between British and French over trade and frontier control to build up his own strength.
His father was Sori Gbay, ruler of the town of Samaya in Soso country on the upper reaches of the Small Scarcies. Karimu appears to have followed the traditional warrior’s life in his early days, coming into prominence as a war leader in the 1880s.
In 1885, the Sofa warriors of the Mandinka conqueror, Samori, advanced into the northern Sierra Leone hinterland. They destroyed Samaya and captured and killed Karimu’s father, Sori Gbay. After their departure Karimu became ruler in his place.
Determined to consolidate his territory, Karimu fought with the Tonko Limba, and Sela Kimba, a Limba chief who had attacked Digi Digi and other Soso towns in Benna Soso country, in what is now the Republic of Guinea.
He also became an ally and helper of Almamy Dauda, ruler of Forecaria in Morea in what is now Guinea, likewise embattled against the Tonko Limba, who had attacked his town in the belief that Almamy had aided his fellow Muslims, the Sofa, against them. At the same time the French, intent on diverting trade from this part of the Sierra Leonean hinterland to Melacourie, also in what is now Guinea, were making overtures of friendship to certain chiefs in the area, and Karimu strengthened his position by receiving aid from the French.
During 1888, Karimu, whose warriors consisted of bands of rebels, many of them runaway slaves, continued his attacks on the Limba. He conquered several areas in Tonko Limb and took control of the Soso town of Kolunkuray, which had belonged to Bilali. As well as Samaya, Karimu had extended his control of Soso towns to Senanaya, Yania and Langa. He also made several reprisal attacks against the Tonko Limba in 1889, claiming that they had allowed the Loko (from the northwest) to pass through their country in order to attack him.
Because of the suspicion of French involvement in the Soso-Limba hostilities, the British colonial administration decided to intervene, and sent the Superintendent of Native Affairs, J.C.E. Parkes, to try and settle affairs at the end of 1889. Karimu, however, evaded all Parkes’ attempts to meet him.
Parkes then burnt Kolonkoray, thought to be one of Karimu’s strongholds, before leaving the area, and Karimu moved his forces into Morea country, under the rulership of his ally Almamy Dauda. Since this was in territory claimed by the French, he was safe from British investigation. All attempts to get him to move into the British sphere of influence failed, as he knew he would be taken captive if he returned.
While the British were occupied with Samori’s movements in other parts of the hinterland, having managed to prevent Soso and Limb attacks on Karimu, the latter was building a strong force undisturbed in territory under French influence. With this force, he succeeded in occupying Laminaya by 1890. This town, which had been Bilali’s capital, was on the border between Tonko Limb and Kukuna Soso country and formed a good vantage point for Karimu to strike into the interior.
From there he attacked and destroyed many towns in Sela Limba, then under the suzerainty of the Tonko, but his attempts to take Tembu, a town belonging to Fomgboe, the Loko leader, were repulsed. Along with other neighbouring leaders, Fomgboe formed a grand coalition against Karimu, involving Bai Bureh of Kasseh, Brima Sanda of Sanda Loko, and Bomboh Lahai of Tonko Limba. The town of Laminaya was attacked twice in 1890 but without success.
Attacks and counter-attacks continued throughout 1891, while the joint British-French boundary commission was at work surveying the land in order to establish their areas of control. At the approach of the British boundary commissioner and his party, Karimu feared he would be attacked, but when he received the assurance of the British that this was not their purpose he disbanded his force and tried to make peace with the Limba.
The Limb and Loko, however, rejected the presents he had sent as peace offerings and responded instead with a large force against Karimu, who had moved to Benna Soso country in February 1892. They destroyed many towns, but Karimu managed to escape and retreated further inland into a part of Sos country controlled by the French.
Fighting continued against some of Karimu’s followers who had entrenched themselves in fortified camps at Tambi and Kukuna. It required three British expeditions to destroy the fortress at Tambi. After two humiliating defeats, the help of Bai Bureh was sought, and Tambi was destroyed.
By October of 1892 Karimu was dead, having had a notable career as a military leader.