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Kidana-Wald Kefle (circa 1862-July 6, 1944) was an Ethiopian scholar who devoted his life to learning.

PHOTO CAPTION:Kidana-Wald Kefle SOURCE: EA Library

Born in Wagda, Shawa, and educated first at home, and then in a church school, he went to the Holy Land at the age of 20 to study Hebrew, Arabic, and Syriac.

After many years in Jerusalem, he was summoned in 1919 by Ras Tafari Makonnen, later to become Emperor Haile Selassie, to undertake a commentary on the Book of Ezekiel. During the Italian occupation of Ethiopia (1936-41), Kidana-Wald was imprisoned for denouncing the Italian regime. He lost his sight in prison but, in spite of this, he determined to write an Ethiopian onomastic and topological dictionary.

After his Commentary on the Book of Ezekiel was published in 1924, he compiled a Ge’ez-Amharic dictionary, Mazgaba Qalat Wages, which was published after his death by his student, Dasta Takla-Wald.

Among his unpublished works are a Hebrew-Ge’ez dictionary in Ethiopian transcriptions, and a versified Amharic translation of the Liber Patrum. He died on July 6, 1944, and was buried at Dabra Libanos.


Editor’s Note

This website features a collection of articles largely from previously published volumes of the Encyclopaedia Africana, specifically the Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography, which highlights notable individuals from various regions of Africa. Please note that in these volumes, some names of people, towns, and countries were spelled differently than they are today. We have retained these historical spellings to preserve the integrity of the original publications. In some instances, the current spellings are also provided for easy reference.
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