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Nyagua (circa 1842-1906) was a warrior chief of great consequence in eastern Mende country, and ruler of Panguma, one of the largest states in the hinterland of Sierra Leone. Despite various co-operative exploits with the British, his relations with the colonial administration were never entirely cordial and his enormous influence was seen as a threat during the uprising against the British in 1898.

He was the son of Faba Kpovowa, a third-generation warrior, who had established his rule around the town of Dodo in the present-day Kenema district. Apprenticed to a famous warrior Makaya, Nyagua was himself a fighter with a wide reputation before his father died.

In the 1870s, during the Mende war, Nyagua fought a campaign of reprisals against the Kono to the northeast because of Kono attacks against his father’s lands.

The Kono were routed and he succeeded in capturing much of the southern half of their country. Later, he enlisted the help of his former enemies, now vassals, to overcome Ndawa, a marauding professional warrior, who had threatened Faba and attacked one of his towns. Before the expedition set out, however, Ndawa restored the loot taken in battle, but not before a few skirmishes between their respective followers had taken place.

Nyagua founded the town of Panguma, in the northern part of the present-day Kenema district, around which grew the later Bambara chiefdom. Other warriors among Faba’s forces founded settlements or fought on behalf of defenseless people until a large area of land came under the jurisdiction of Dodo, including the chiefdoms of Nongowa and Gorama in present-day Kenema district, Kpeje in Kailahun district, and other places.

In 1889, Faba died, leaving extensive territories to be governed. After consultation, it was agreed that since Faba’s military comrades were growing old, and since Nyagua was a renowned warrior, he should become ruler and take charge of the political administration of this huge state. He personally ruled the province that grew up round Panguma, and appointed administrators for the other provinces from among his father’s famous military leaders. Thus Fakoi controlled Dodo, while Kogbandi Vangahum administered Nongowa.

On May 25, 1889, the British traveling commissioner, T.J. Alldridge, signed a treaty of friendship with Nyagua, who was granted a stipend of £20 so long as he honoured the terms of the treaty. But a personality clash developed between the two men. Nyagua, unimpressed by the urgency of Britain’s grand colonial design, refused to attend a meeting at Alldridge’s convenience, and the latter described him as a most arrogant man, insufficiently courteous to the British government and demanding much ceremonial deference himself.

Nyagua’s arrogance’ was not particularly marked. He cooperated with the British on several occasions. In 1889, he eventually gave up the warrior Makaya, his old master, to the authorities, after some hesitation on account of the opposition of certain up-country chiefs.

Makaya had led many raids to the Kittam and Gallinas districts in the extreme south, and together with Ndawa had actually attacked the British customs post at Sulima. Nyagua, moreover, had been helped by the colonial government forces who had destroyed the 13 towns comprising a large military encampment at Wende, which had been blocking his access to the important trade route to the coast.

In 1890 the colonial administration arranged for Nyagua’s son, Gbanyeh, to be admitted to the Church Missionary Society Grammar School in Freetown at government expense. When the Sofa (mounted warriors of the Mandinka empire-builder, Samori Touré) attacked two of Nyagua’s towns, they lost no time in sending government troops against them, and Nyagua’s warriors formed part of the expeditionary force that destroyed the Sofa and killed their leader.

The administration, however, was still suspicious of Nyagua. His traditional quarrels with other rulers were misinterpreted as a determined wish to prevent trade and its profits. And when the Protectorate was declared in 1896 he was viewed with even stronger suspicion. His town of Panguma was exempt from the house tax, which had been imposed along with the declaration. But district commissioner J.E.C.

Blakeney, with whom Nyagua was not on cordial terms, reported that there were rumors that the chief had been holding secret meetings with other rulers in the neighborhood with the intention of driving the British from his territory.

Threatened with arrest, Nyagua ordered his subjects to disarm. But official fears were still unallayed. The following month, in May, 1898, he was arrested and held prisoner at Panguma, where a large force of his followers staged a seige in order to rescue him. There were brief skirmishes, but no sustained campaign, and the resistance soon faded out.

Brought to Freetown as a prisoner, Nyagua petitioned that “he did nothing that in his judgment could be construed as rebellious or inconsistent with justice and truth.” The attorney general felt that Nyagua’s grievances were legally justified, but advised that for security reasons he should be detained for some time. It was intended to have him released at a later date, but the discovery that Nyagua had been sending secret messages to his people, threatening them for not resisting his capture, caused a change of attitude.

 He was banished by administrative order to the Gold Coast as a political prisoner, along with Bai Bureh, the Temne leader in the 1898 rising, and Gbana Lewis, the overlord of Sherbro. He died there in 1906.


Editor’s Note

This website features a collection of articles largely from previously published volumes of the Encyclopaedia Africana, specifically the Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography, which highlights notable individuals from various regions of Africa. Please note that in these volumes, some names of people, towns, and countries were spelled differently than they are today. We have retained these historical spellings to preserve the integrity of the original publications. In some instances, the current spellings are also provided for easy reference.
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