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Malangi a Phumba (circa 1915-1964) was a celebrated expert in Pende oral tradition and also a trusted and effective political leader.

Born in Kasanji village, 60 km (35 mi) southeast of Kikwit, Malangi was the son of Phumba and Nion-gewe. He was a member of the Akwa Mushinga people, belonging to the larger Pende ethnic group.

A physically imposing man, nearly two metres tall, Malangi became known for his animated eloquence, which marked him as a ngambi- in Pende society a person with a lively intelligence and with who is at once an orator, advocate, judge, and expert on tradition. Because of his great knowledge, the Pende, and also their Mbunda Kwese and Sonde neighbours, frequently called on Malangi to settle disputes. He was also a great singer, a troubadour who knew all the popular Pende songs and many songs of the surrounding peoples.

On April 20, 1948, the government created the Kilamba sector, situated about 60 km (35 mi) southeast of Kikwit, and incorporating the Pende chiefdom of Mbangi and much of the chiefdom of the Mushinga. Because of his reputation as an arbitrator, Malangi was appointed as a judge and council member for this sector, a position which increased the respect in which he was held as well as his influence among the common people. In effect, Malangi had been considered for chief of the sector, but was not chosen because he was illiterate.

On May 2, 1949, however, he was designated provisional adjunct sector chief responsible for the Kilamba sector tribunal. Then, because he was so highly respected by the people, the administrator, L. Caps placed Malangi in charge of tax collection. To compensate for his inability to read, Caps assigned two clerks to help him in his work. Recognising Malangi’s exceptional abilities, on June 5, 1950 the colonial authorities confirmed him in office as adjunct sector chief.

Besides his political activities, Malangi contributed greatly in bringing the Pende peoples to the attention of the international scientific world. From 1953, he served as the principal informant to the renowned Belgian ethnologist, the Rev. Father Professor Léon de Sousberghe, who devoted the major portion of his research and writings to the Pende.

On June 15, 1959, Malangi lost his position as adjunct sector chief when rural administrative districts were reorganised according to a governmental decree of May 10, 1957. Malangi then returned to his former job as a judge and tax collector.

When, however, Kasanza Mbawvu, who ruled the Yongo people (a Pende sub-group) in Kilamba sector, died on January 2, 1960, the Yongo notables unanimously elected Malangi a Phumba as their chief. On February 2, 1960, Malangi was invested as head of the 5,500 Yongo. He took the name Malangi Kalamba. As chief, Malangi faced opposition from the leader of the Gatshinga family who claimed his clan had a legal right to rule the Yongo. Finally, in July 1963 the dispute was taken before the Kikwit district court. But the rebellion instigated by Pierre Mulele interrupted the proceedings, which were never completed.

During the 1964 uprising, for reasons which are unclear, certain Munda chiefs ordered the Mulelist partisans to arrest Malangi. After being beaten hundreds of times with cudgels and whips, and dragged along the ground for an entire day, Malangi was buried alive.

The memory of chief Malangi a Phumba, remained strong among the Pende and the neighboring peoples. After 1964, young Pende musicians wrote songs celebrating Malangi’s virtues as a leader and folklore expert.


Editor’s Note

This website features a collection of articles largely from previously published volumes of the Encyclopaedia Africana, specifically the Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography, which highlights notable individuals from various regions of Africa. Please note that in these volumes, some names of people, towns, and countries were spelled differently than they are today. We have retained these historical spellings to preserve the integrity of the original publications. In some instances, the current spellings are also provided for easy reference.
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