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Mopoie Bangezegino (circa 1845-April 15, 1916), a Muslim chief of the Zande people, living between the Uele and Bomou rivers in northern Democratic Republic of the Congo, forcefully resisted the encroachment of Europeans into his domain. Mopoie’s second name, Bangezegino means “he who does not want the white man.”

After 1850, the Zande people became allies of Muslims from the north, who had entered the Sudan and Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo) in search of slaves and ivory. Since the 1820s the Sudan had come under Egyptian influence, but in 1883 and 1884 a fervent Muslim sect known as the Mahdists launched a religious war against the modernising of Egyptians and their English allies. Repercussions of the Mahdist uprising reached south of the Bomou River where the Zande chief Powpwo or Poyo, Mopoie Bangezegino’s brother, was killed in the disturbances.

Succeeding Powpwo, Mopoie settled at the confluence of the Bengaro and Bomou rivers, not far from where the borders of modern Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo), the Central African Empire, and the Sudan intersect. In 1894, officials of the Congo Free State, intending to push northwards into the Bahr-al-Ghazal region of the Sudan, established a state post in Mopoie’s territory. Sultan Mopoie did not oppose this action for he hoped to ally with the Europeans against his northern rivals. Free State authorities, however, soon abandoned the station.

Meanwhile, Mopoie Bangezegino took possession of extensive territories around the Gurba River, about 175 km (109 ml) north of modern Isirio. Because he was trying to increase his domain, Mopoie came into conflict with the Free State. Shrewdly aware of the rivalry between the Belgians, French, and British, Mopoie was able to play the various European forces against each other. Although he never broke relations with the Congo Free State, he did not permit the Belgians to enter his land. In 1902, he refused to attend an audience with District Commissioner Chatlin.

When, in 1902, the Free State decided to build a post in Mopoie’s territory, the Zande Sultan asked his cousin Sasa to help him resist. When Sasa refused to help, Mopoie was forced to capitulate and accept the establishment of the Sili station, 40 km (25 mi) northwest of the confluence of the Uele and Gurba rivers. Nevertheless, he would not cooperate with the Europeans by selling them food, ivory, or rubber. Instead, he traded with French merchants living north of the Bomou River.

In 1911, the Belgians launched a campaign against Mopoie. The Sultan then fled, with his people, just across the border into French territory, where he settled about 50 km (30 mi) west of the Sudan Frontier. Mopoie, however, was no more submissive to the French than he had been to the Belgians. Early in 1916, having been warned by the Belgians that Mopoie intended to revolt, the French tried to arrest the African leader. They were not successful and, on February 11, 1916, Mopoie attacked and burned the French station in his area. Only after the French called on reinforcements from the neighbouring Belgian and British governments were the Europeans able to defeat Mopoie Bangezegino. Mopoie was killed on April 15 while attempting to escape French riflemen.


Editor’s Note

This website features a collection of articles largely from previously published volumes of the Encyclopaedia Africana, specifically the Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography, which highlights notable individuals from various regions of Africa. Please note that in these volumes, some names of people, towns, and countries were spelled differently than they are today. We have retained these historical spellings to preserve the integrity of the original publications. In some instances, the current spellings are also provided for easy reference.
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