Month: February 2024

‘Uthman Abu Bakr Diqna “ ‘Uthman Digna” (c.1840-1926) was one of the ‘Amils (Provincial Governors) of the Mahdist State in the Sudan (1885-1898).   His ancestors...

AUGUSTUS WILLIAM KOJO THOMPSON Augustus William Kojo Thompson (1880-February 26, 1950), generally known as Kojo Thompson, was a lawyer, a radical nationalist politician, and a...

LAWSON, T.G. Thomas George Lawson (circa 1814-June 1891) was a chief’s son who became the first official interpreter and messenger operating between the colonial administration...

Tetteh Quarshie (1842-1892) is acknowledged to be the man who made cocoa cultivation a prosperous industry in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), and so laid...

SIR CHARLES WILLIAM TACHIE-MENSON Sir Charles William Tachie-Menson (1889 – October 17, 1962), who had a distinguished career in public service, was the first African...

TOGBI SRI Togbi Sri II (1862-1956) was the Awoamefia (paramount chief) of Anlo for nearly 50 years (1907-1956). He distinguished himself as an innovator and...

Sitobu, who flourished around 1450, was the first Ya Na (paramount chief) of the kingdom of Dagomba in what is now northeastern Ghana which he...

AARON BELISARIUS COSIMO SIBTHORPE Aaron Belisarius Cosimo Sibthorpe (circa 1840-June 20, 1916) was the first historian of Sierra Leone He was probably brought to Sierra...

Alfred James Shorunkeh-Sawyerr (circa 1861-May 18, 1929), bookseller, printer, journalist, and eventually practicing lawyer, was a forceful and outspoken participant in public affairs in the...

Shaka Zulu also known as Sigidi kaSenzangakhona, is considered one of the greatest rulers in the history of the Zulu Kingdom. He was born in...

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The Encyclopaedia Africana Project. Is an AU Flagship Project with the mission to produce and publish peer reviewed articles devoted mainly to Africa and its people.