
  • 1 Min Read

Medu Neter, also known as “Hieroglyphs,” is one of the earliest forms of writing, originating in ancient Egypt. The term “Medu Neter” translates to “words...

  • 2 Min Read

Nsibidi is an ancient writing system developed by the Ekpe society in southeastern Nigeria, primarily among the Igbo, Efik, and Ibibio people. It is unique...

  • 2 Min Read

Adinkra is an ancient African writing system that originated among the Akan people of Ghana and the Gyaman people of Côte d’Ivoire. It is a...

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Old Nubian is an important ancient African writing system that played a central role in the Christian kingdoms of medieval Nubia. Its texts offer a...

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The Geʽez script, also known as Ethiopic, is an ancient African writing system that originated in the Horn of Africa. It has a rich history...

  • 2 Min Read

The Bassa Vah alphabet is used to write Bassa, a Kru language spoken in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Its origins are obscure. Its name in...

  • 1 Min Read

The Meroitic script is an ancient African writing system used in the Kingdom of Meroë, located in present-day Sudan, during the later period of the...

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The Encyclopaedia Africana Project. Is an AU Flagship Project with the mission to produce and publish peer reviewed articles devoted mainly to Africa and its people.