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According to Ethiopian tradition, Makeda (10th century BC), the Queen of Sheba, had a son, Menilek I, by King Solomon of Jerusalem, thus establishing the “Solomonic” dynasty of Ethiopia that ruled, with a few interruptions, until the deposition of Emperor Haile Selassie in 1974. Her story is the national epic of Ethiopia, as related in the Kebra Nagast (“The Glory of Kings”), an historic-holy book that amalgamates Arabic and Jewish legends with indigenous themes.

Her name and the location of her kingdom are vague to historians, but in Ethiopic her name means snot thus,” as when she announced, ‘not thus is it good to worship the sun, but it is right to worship God.” Her city was Dabra Makeda, built at her order as the capital of Ethiopia.

In the sixth year of her reign she learned from her head trader of the existence of a wonderfully-governed kingdom, Israel, and determined to visit its king and observe his methods. Her caravan took about ten months to get through the Ethiopian mountains to the coast, cross the Red Sea, and traverse the arid sands of Arabia. King Solomon received her cordially, and after six months’ study she concluded that his rule was successful because of the affection and respect he inspired, his organisation of government, and his fairness and humility.

He convinced her that Ethiopia should relinquish worship of the sun, and adopt worship of God, creator of the universe. As she prepared to depart for Ethiopia, it occurred to Solomon that he should beget a child from this beautiful woman. He implied that he had yet another art of government to teach her, provided a great banquet, and had her food liberally peppered and her drinks mingled with vinegar – then suggested she should spend the night. “Promise you will not take me by force,’ said Makeda. Solomon swore by God that he would not, if in turn she would swear not to take anything that belonged to him.

When Makeda became thirsty in the night, she drank water from a goblet placed at her bedside. Solomon, from his hidden vigil, saw her drink, and immediately claimed her – she had taken his water.

En route home, nine months and five days after leaving Jerusalem, she gave birth to a boy, whom she named Bayna Lehkem (“son of the wise man”). Despite the obvious loss of her virginity (a woman could be queen only as long as she remained a virgin), Makeda continued to rule Ethiopia. When her son was 22 years of age, he insisted on meeting his father. Before he left for Jerusalem, Makeda reminded him that though the law in Ethiopia said a woman must rule, she had promised his father, Solomon, that “henceforth a man who is of thy seed shall reign” and she would abdicate on her son’s return.

Despite every effort of Solomon to keep Makeda’s son with him, the young man honoured his pledge to his mother to return to her side, and not to marry any woman of Jerusalem. He returned to rule Ethiopia, having taken the name “Menilek I, accompanied by the eldest sons of the nobles of Israel. One of them delivered an oration praising the favourable climate and agricultural richness that they had found in Ethiopia, and then paid handsome tribute to its female monarch:”…Thy wisdom is good and it surpasseth the wisdom of men … none can be compared with thee in intelligence … the understanding of thy heart is deeper than that of men, and thy wisdom exceeds Solomon in that thou hast been able to draw hither the mighty men of Israel.”

The Ethiopians believe that these elder sons who accompanied their prince brought from Jerusalem the original Ark of the Covenant, and this treasure is symbolised by a square oblong box kept in every Ethiopian Orthodox church. Scholars and historians are fascinated with the variations of the legend throughout the Middle East and Africa, with its psychological implications for the interpretation of Ethiopian culture; artists and musicians for centuries have been inspired by its dramatic content; ordinary people use the expression “Queen of Sheba’ as a symbol for sexuality, elegance, and pride.

In Addis Ababa, the legend is depicted in street-sold paintings that add elements that are not in the Kebra Negast, and follow a version told in northern Ethiopia – a tyrannical dragon-serpent is killed by Agabos, whose daughter, Makeda, succeeds him. The trip to Jerusalem proceeds, but on the fateful night Solomon also sleeps with Makeda’s maid-servant, who also gives birth to a son whose descendants, the Zagwé, usurp the throne between 1137 and 1270, after which the “Solomonic” dynasty of Makeda is restored.

Since the Kebra Negast was committed to writing only at the beginning of the 14th century, a few historians view the entire story as a political justification for this “Solomonic” restoration. But that it is far more than this – an expression of national and religious feelings is the consensus of Ethiopian and foreign scholars.


Editor’s Note

This website features a collection of articles largely from previously published volumes of the Encyclopaedia Africana, specifically the Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography, which highlights notable individuals from various regions of Africa. Please note that in these volumes, some names of people, towns, and countries were spelled differently than they are today. We have retained these historical spellings to preserve the integrity of the original publications. In some instances, the current spellings are also provided for easy reference.
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