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Mandrandele Tanzi (March 20, 1933- February 12, 1974) served in many phases of political life as a government administrator, as a leading theorist of the Mouvement Populaire de la Revolution (“Popular Movement of the Revolution”, M. P. R.), and as a close personal associate of President Mobutu Sese Seko.

PHOTO CAPTION: Mandrandele Tanzi. SOURCE: EA Library
Mandrandele Tanzi was born in the town of Watsa, about 600 km (360 mi) northeast of Kisangani. The only son of a family of Logo-Ogambi ethnic origins, he attended primary school in Watsa before entering the College Notre Dame at Dungu, 125 km (75 mi) to the northwest. During the seven years Mandrandele spent in the boarding school run by the Dominican fathers, he was subject to a quasi monastical life and received a solid intellectual foundation. This rigid discipline imbued with humanism moulded Mandrandele’s character and outlook. In 1955, Mandrandele entered Lovanium University in Leopoldville (now Kinshasa) where he studied political science and administration. Due to his lively intelligence, his unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and his enthusiasm for all that he undertook he accumulated the knowledge he needed for his later political career.
Shortly after receiving his degree in 1960, he was named a director of the central government responsible for preserving order. During the same year, he was appointed to the office of internal affairs. In July 1961, he was nominated as director-general of National Water and Power Distribution Authority. He interrupted his job to go to Paris where he studied Business Administration. After receiving a business degree, Mandrandele returned home to resume directorship of R.E.G.I.D.E.S.C.O. until 1965. Although he was constantly concerned for efficiency, he never forgot human values and he never sacrificed people for more efficient operations.
After 1964, he assumed many other duties. Thus he became an administrator of Lovanium University (1964- 1970), administrator of the National Bank (1964- 1965), and administrator of the National Institute for Agronomic Research (1964- 1967). In addition, he served as a president of the Societe d’Uele (Uele Company), president of the Congolese Trust Company, a member of the government commission for Air Cargo, and as a national senator (1965-1966). With great erudition, a quick grasp of facts, and ease in synthesising events, he was able to carry out his many obligations effectively.
When the Mouvement Populaire de la Revolution was created in May 1967 Mandrandele was chosen a member of its political bureau. As a party theorist, he argued that man is called upon to dominate a world of rapid changes. Thus, courageous action and firm convictions were qualities Mandrandele cherished. He subsequently held various party posts, including those of first national secretary (1968-1969), political director (1970-1974), and people’s commissioner.
Within the Mouvement Populaire de la Revolution, he worked closely and faithfully with the party founder, Mobutu Sese Seko. Although he was often the subject of sarcasm and encountered the difficulties faced by anyone in public life, Mandrandele’s composure, even temper, and moral strength allowed him to think and act objectively.
He died on February 12, 1974.