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Bashah Aboye (18?- March 1, 1896) was a distinguished general of Menilek II [reigned 1889-1913], who was killed at the battle of Adwa during the Italo-Ethiopian war of 1895-1896.

Bashah Aboyé was a son of Ato Aboye and of Wayzaro Ayahelush, a daughter of King Sahla Selassé of Shawa. As a cousin of Menilek, and a favourite of the latter’s consort, Taytu Betul, he had a large following. When in 1887, Emperor Yohannes IV led an expedition against Shawa, every soldier hoped that Bashah Aboyé, if successful in the defence, would distribute booty to each of them after the battle.

Little is known of the role of Bashah Aboyé in fields other than warfare. It appears, however, that Menilek entrusted him with the task of exacting tribute from areas to the south of Shawa between 1872 and 1885. In October 1886, he was appointed Dajazmach and governor of Gomma and Géra, two small principalities. His orders were to pacify the region and to collect taxes.

During the great famine of 1889-1891, Aboye was ordered to accompany King Takla Haymanot, ruler of Gojam from 1870-1901, on a joint expedition in search of provisions and tribute. The expedition failed, however, as Takla Haymanot fell ill. Aboyé’s military excursions into Sidamo in 1890 also failed. In his absence, disturbances occurred in his governorate of Gomma and Géra, incited by the defiant king of Walamo, another principality that was not paying tribute. Bashah Aboyé checked the insurrection. Later, he joined Menilek on his 1894 expedition against Walamo.

Bashah Aboyé’s fame increased because of his valour at the battle of Adwa on March 1, 1896, during which he was mortally wounded. Because he was their favourite, his soldiers massacred almost 300 Italian prisoners placed in their charge in retaliation for his death.


Editor’s Note

This website features a collection of articles largely from previously published volumes of the Encyclopaedia Africana, specifically the Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography, which highlights notable individuals from various regions of Africa. Please note that in these volumes, some names of people, towns, and countries were spelled differently than they are today. We have retained these historical spellings to preserve the integrity of the original publications. In some instances, the current spellings are also provided for easy reference.
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