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Makitu (circa 1856-April 1899), a prominent merchant and caravan organiser, grew wealthy from the 19th century ivory trade between the Atlantic coast and the interior regions of the Zaire (now Congo).

PHOTO CAPTION: Some of Makitu’s Wives. SOURCE: EA Library.

Makitu’s village, Mbanza Ngombe, 110 km (75 mi) southeast of modern Kinshasa, lay north the Congo River on the plateau crossed by caravan routes between Stanley (now Malebo) Pool, where Tio middlemen purchased ivory from Bobangi river traders, and the Atlantic coast, where Europeans came to exchange manufactured items for ivory. Because of the numerous cataracts in the Congo River downstream from the Pool, all the trade goods had to be transported through the Lower Congo region by porters who were either slaves or hired workers.

Makitu’s relative; chief Leteta, who owned many wives and slaves, organised large caravans, and introduced the young Makitu to long distance commerce. By the time he was 25 years old, Makitu was known in the whole cataracts region as a great merchant and caravan leader. Because of his ability to assure security and provide organisation, many small merchants joined his group each time he went to the coast. Thus, Makitu’s caravans frequently included 500 porters. Makitu’s method of keeping accounts was remarkable. He divided his caravan into sections of 10 to 15 men under the guard of a capita (trusted subordinate). Makitu remembered what and how much he gave to each capita and the latter did the same for each of his porters.

Makitu purchased ivory from the Tio at Stanley Pool. Since his father originally had been a Tio slave, Makitu was able to establish close relations with the Tio ivory dealers. Having become very wealthy, around 1882, Makitu separated from chief Leteta to settle in the nearby village of Kindoki. There, as an independent trader, he had several huts stacked to the ceiling with merchandise.

In February 1882, Makitu and Leteta became associated with the Comité d’Etudes du Haut-Congo (Study Committee for the Upper Congo, C.E.H.C.) sent by Léopold II to explore the Congo River. Having observed the difficulties of chief Ngaliema with the committee, Leteta and Makitu were initially very hostile to European penetration into their district. They accordingly held the C.E.H.C. expedition for ransom. Leteta even demanded the head of a European as tribute. Although Makitu was unfriendly, he appeared more approachable than Leteta and, in fact, he often refused to participate in Leteta’s attacks. Thus, Capt. Hanssens, Lt. Nilis, and Callewaert, all agents of the expedition, which was led by Henry Morton Stanley began negotiations with Makitu. In October 1882, they made a friendship treaty sanctioned by the exchange of blood.

According to the terms of the treaty, the C.E.H.C. agreed to pay a monthly indemnity in cloth to both Makitu and Leteta. The Africans, for their part, accepted the establishment of the Leteta station (named after Makitu’s cousin) at Mbanza Ngombe village. The committee agents hoped the station would abolish the customary fees these chiefs had always levied on all caravans. In spite of the treaty, the people of this district often made trouble for Europeans by attacking caravans and stealing their trade goods. As a result, when Sir Francis de Winton, the administrator-general of the Congo Free State, held talks with Makitu and Leteta during an inspection tour in 1884, he threatened to hang the recalcitrants. It was not long, however, before Makitu began to view European settlement as an opportunity to increase his ivory commerce. Although his hope quickly evaporated when the Dutch Company established at Leteta began buying ivory directly, Makitu continued to enrich himself from wages paid to his slaves who served as porters on the route to the coast.

Resolved, somehow, to profit from the presence of the white man, Makitu made gestures of cooperation. Thus in 1882, he gave his slave Lutunu to Van Gèle, the European head of Leteta station. Makitu, together with chief Leteta, also encouraged Baptist Missionary Society (B.M.S.) workers to establish a base in their area. As a result, in 1884 the B.M.S. founded Wathen station (now Ngombe Lutete) and started a school. In February 1885, Makitu helped transport the steamer Stanley from Leteta to Stanley Pool. In 1886, he moved his village a short distance, from Kindoki to Ngombe Matadi.

Makitu’s loyalty to the Europeans won him the first medal in the Congo to be given to a chief. When he received the medal from Commander Nicholas Tobback at the great Makewekwe market in 1888, Makitu’s authority extended over 64 villages. When he died, in April 1889 from sleeping sickness, he left about 40 wives and hundreds of slaves. Makitu was one of the Congo chiefs who increased his power and riches by allying himself with the white man.


Editor’s Note

This website features a collection of articles largely from previously published volumes of the Encyclopaedia Africana, specifically the Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography, which highlights notable individuals from various regions of Africa. Please note that in these volumes, some names of people, towns, and countries were spelled differently than they are today. We have retained these historical spellings to preserve the integrity of the original publications. In some instances, the current spellings are also provided for easy reference.
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