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Sarkis Terzian (1868-1915) was an Armenian trader and innovator who assisted Emperor Menilek II [reigned 1889-1913] in importing firearms and other equipment, and in forging links with foreign lands.

PHOTO CAPTION: Sarkis Terzian. SOURCE: Le monde

Born in Arakpir, in what is now central Turkey, Terzian travelled in 1882 to Harar, at that time under Egyptian rule, and in 1887 assisted Menilek, then king of Shawa, in the occupation of the city, being subsequently appointed governor of Gildessa and Biokobbo, both in Harar province.

He did much to open up trade contacts between Shawa and the outside world, being perhaps the first merchant to import glass bottles, metal jars, and cooking utensils in large quantities. He also imported large quantities of firearms, which were in great demand in the years preceding the Italo-Ethiopian war of 1895-96.

Terzian was later sent by Menilek on missions to Paris, London, Berlin, Vienna, Rome, Brussels, and Washington D.C. Early in the 20th century he imported the first steam roller into Ethiopia. The machine was used in the construction of the first modern roads, and is popularly referred to as “Sarkis Babur,” or Terzian’s steam roller.

He also made arrangements for the importation of Ethiopia’s first ammunition factory, and operated the first efficient transport system by oxcarts between Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa, then the terminus of the Jibuti railway that was the country’s principal link with the outside world.

He was also responsible for recruiting a number of other Armenians who proved of some technical assistance to Menilek, who was then trying to embark on a policy of innovation without as yet having any skilled Ethiopian workmen at his disposition.

                                                                             RICHARD PANKHURST

Editor’s Note

This website features a collection of articles largely from previously published volumes of the Encyclopaedia Africana, specifically the Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography, which highlights notable individuals from various regions of Africa. Please note that in these volumes, some names of people, towns, and countries were spelled differently than they are today. We have retained these historical spellings to preserve the integrity of the original publications. In some instances, the current spellings are also provided for easy reference.
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