John McCormack (March 24, 1791-March 20, 1865) was one of the few Europeans in the 19th century who spent almost their entire working lives in...
Sir Charles McCarthy (1769-1824) was a governor of Sierra Leone in the early 19th century and whose period of rule was looked back on as...
Mbandzeni or Dlamini IV (1858-1889) became King of the Swazi in 1874; it was during his reign that much Swazi land was lost to the...
CHARLOTTE MAXEKE Charlotte Maxeke (1874-1939) was one of South African’s first prominent African Women leaders, perhaps best known as the first President of the Bantu Women’s...
ZACHARIAH KEODIRELANG MATTHEWS Zachariah Keodirelang Matthews (Kimberley, South Africa, 1901-Washington, D.C., November 5, 1968) was a scholar, politician, and diplomat. A miner’s son, he was educated...
BA FODAY MANSARAY Ba Foday Manasaray (circa 1750s-1818) was a Limba leader who founded a state in Wara Wara district, based on Bafodea (Bafodaya), a...
NENE SIR EMMANUEL MATE KOLE Nene Sir Emmanuel Mate Kole (February 7, 1860-1939), Konor (paramount chief) of Manya Krobo, a state about 50 mi (80...
ARDINAL GUGLIEMO MASSAIA Cardinal Gugliemo Massaia (June 8, 1809-August 6, 1889), born Lorenzo Antonio Massaia, was an Italian Catholic missionary who worked for 35 years...
Sir Milton Margai (December 7, 1895 – April 28, 1964) the first prime minister of Sierra Leone, was an outstanding political leader, a pioneer in...
Ba Foday Manasaray (circa 1750s-1818) was a Limba leader who founded a state in Wara Wara district, based on Bafodea (Bafodaya), a capital named after...